miercuri, 6 iulie 2011

Materiale pentru studiu

YouTube - 1. Introduction
YouTube - Lec 2 | MIT 8.02 Electricity and Magnetism, Spring 2002
YouTube - Lecture - 11 Instrumentation Amplifiers
YouTube - Superposition Theorem Part 1
YouTube - Electric Circuit Analysis - Linearity Properties - Superposition Principle and Circuits - Part 1
YouTube - Pole Transformer Fabrication
YouTube - Karnaugh Map
YouTube - Experiments 3.1: Sequential Logic - S-R Latch and a Gated S-R Latch
YouTube - GCE (A-level) Physics E19 Potential (Voltage) Dividers
YouTube - GCE (A level) Physics E01Charge and Current. Part 1 of 2
YouTube - PSPICE (RLC Circuits)
YouTube - 7. Resistance
YouTube - 8. Circuits and Magnetism I
YouTube - 12. LCR Circuits—DC Voltage
YouTube - Pspice Tutorial
YouTube - 9. Magnetism II
YouTube - 2. Electric Fields
YouTube - 14. Maxwell's Equations and Electromagnetic Waves I
YouTube - 5. The Electric Potential and Conservation of Energy
YouTube - 11. Lenz's and Faraday's Laws
YouTube - 24. Quantum Mechanics VI: Time-dependent Schrödinger Equation
YouTube - 22. Quantum mechanics IV: Measurement theory, states of definite energy
YouTube - 13. LCR Circuits—AC Voltage
YouTube - 8. Circuits and Magnetism I
YouTube - 20. Quantum Mechanics II
YouTube - 10. Ampere's Law
YouTube - 6. Capacitors
YouTube - 2. Vectors in Multiple Dimensions
YouTube - 3. Newton's Laws of Motion
YouTube - 1. Course Introduction and Newtonian Mechanics
YouTube - 4. Newton's Laws (cont.) and Inclined Planes
YouTube - Einstein's General Theory of Relativity | Lecture 1
YouTube - 12. Introduction to Relativity
YouTube - 16. The Taylor Series and Other Mathematical Concepts
YouTube - 15. Four-Vector in Relativity
YouTube - 19. Waves
YouTube - 3. Gauss's Law I
YouTube - 1. Electrostatics
YouTube - How Transistors Work
YouTube - Lecture 32 Digital Integrated Circuits
YouTube - Lecture - 4 Some Useful Laws in Basic Electronics
YouTube - Lec 8 | MIT 6.002 Circuits and Electronics, Spring 2007
YouTube - Combinational Logic - All-in-one Adder and Subtractor Circuit
YouTube - Combinational Logic - Adders and Subtractors
YouTube - Voltage
YouTube - Batteries - A to Z of Electronics
YouTube - Thevenin Theorem Part 2
YouTube - EECE 251 Solution to the third Quiz/MT on OpAmps/RC Circuits
YouTube - EECE 251 - Op Amps Tutorial 02
YouTube - EECE 251 - Op Amps tutorial 03 part 03
YouTube - INDUC 03 - The Induction Motor, Rotating Magnetic Field
YouTube - INDUC 04 - Induction Motor, Stator Coils

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